Global Media Intelligence 2020: Thailand

Key Features

Internet users in Thailand spent a record amount of time with mobile devices, with social media being a key driver.

  • Smartphone penetration in Thailand reached 98.9% of internet users ages 16 to 64 in H1 2020—a very slight increase compared with H1 2019, per GlobalWebIndex. Ownership of PCs and tablets also rose, and by more significant margins, but remained at far lower levels—46.2% of internet users owned a desktop or laptop, while 31.8% owned a tablet.
  • Time spent on mobile devices in H1 2020 stood at 5 hours, 6 minutes (5:06) per day, on average—compared with 3:38 spent on PCs/tablets. Mobile time had risen since last year, while PC time declined. But we should remember that Thailand’s online population is predominantly young and urban; both of these traits are associated with higher usage of mobile devices.


Karin von Abrams


Anam Baig
Senior Editor
Joanne DiCamillo
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Chart Editor
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Chart Editorial Manager
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Director of Production
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