Global Media Intelligence 2020: Australia

Key Features

Internet users in Australia are fully on board with the digital video revolution.

  • In early 2019, consumption of linear TV significantly outpaced online TV and video viewing among internet users in Australia. Now the emphasis is shifting. In H1 2020, 83.5% of respondents ages 16 to 64 had watched linear TV in the month prior to polling, while 84.7% had streamed video-on-demand (VOD) content, according to GlobalWebIndex.
  • In addition, 74.7% of internet users had watched subscription VOD (SVOD) services like Netflix and Hulu—a rise of 5.9 percentage points since H1 2019, and the biggest increase in any behavior tracked by GlobalWebIndex in Australia this year.
  • Viewing of TV broadcasters’ catch-up and on-demand services also rose, from 60.0% to 64.3% of internet users.


Karin von Abrams


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