Global Media Intelligence 2020: Philippines

Key Features

Smartphones reign supreme among internet users polled in the Philippines, but PC numbers have risen.

  • Internet use in the Philippines was effectively synonymous with smartphone ownership in H1 2020, judging by data from GlobalWebIndex. Fully, 98.6% of the respondents ages 16 to 64 owned an advanced handset; 14.2% had a feature phone. Desktop/laptop penetration lagged substantially below that of smartphones, but it had risen 9.4 percentage points in a single year, to 77.1%. Tablet ownership declined slightly, to 37.0%.
  • It’s worth noting that the online population is largely composed of younger people. Hence the long periods that internet users were engaged with digital devices. As in 2019, the combined time spent on PCs, smartphones, and tablets exceeded 10 hours per day. Mobile claimed the larger share, at 5 hours, 30 minutes (5:30), while PCs and tablets clocked an average 4:38 each day.


Karin von Abrams


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