Global Media Intelligence 2020: Colombia

Key Features

Traditional media audiences declined in Colombia since 2019 but remained greater than in many countries surveyed.

  • Print magazine readership took the biggest hit, falling 8 percentage points in Q1 2020 to 59.6% of internet users ages 16 to 64. Meanwhile, 64.2% had read a newspaper in the month prior to polling, a drop of nearly 6 percentage points. Yet in both cases, readership was notably high compared with other countries that GlobalWebIndex and Publicis Media monitored.
  • Nearly 79% of respondents in Colombia were monthly radio listeners. As with print media, usage was most common in older age brackets.
  • Even live TV posted a small decrease in penetration in H1 2020, to 87.7% of internet users. Middle- and high-income households, and those in suburban areas, were most likely to watch broadcast TV.


Karin von Abrams


Anam Baig
Senior Editor
Joanne DiCamillo
Donte Gibson
Chart Editor
Kathleen Hamblin
Chart Editorial Manager
Dana Hill
Director of Production
Erika Huber
Copy Editor
Magenta Ranero
Senior Chart Editor
Hilary Rengert
VP, Research Strategy
Amanda Silvestri
Senior Copy Editor