Global Media Intelligence 2020: Portugal

Key Features

While digital behaviors are gaining ground, traditional media formats have proven to be resilient.

  • Several traditional media habits are still nearly universal in Portugal. The share of internet users ages 16 to 64 who watched live TV in the month prior to polling rose between H1 2019 and H1 2020 to 94.2%, according to GlobalWebIndex. Additionally, more than 87% of respondents had listened to broadcast radio. Time spent with broadcast TV increased year over year (YoY), averaging 2 hours, 11 minutes (2:11), though time spent with radio dropped by several minutes, to 1:21 per day.
  • Print media remained widely popular as well, despite a gradual decline in readership, especially for newspapers. In Q1 2020, print newspaper and magazine penetration reached 58.3% and 59.4%, respectively. Penetration remained higher among older respondents, but the gap between seniors ages 55 to 64 and those in younger age groups was markedly narrower than in 2019. Time spent with print press was no longer greater than time spent with online press; in H1 2020, both were equal at 28 minutes per day.
  • A similar pattern was evident among radio listeners. As last year, nine in 10 internet users ages 55 to 64 polled in H1 2020 had listened to live radio in the prior month. But more than 82% of respondents 16 to 34 also tuned in to radio broadcasts. And the 35-to-44 age bracket registered the greatest penetration at 91.7%.
  • In Portugal, 83.0% of internet users polled had used social media in the prior month and spent 2:23 per day on social. Only PCs/tablets and smartphones claimed more time on a typical day. (GlobalWebIndex includes YouTube in its social media category, however, so any respondents who use YouTube count as social network users.)


Karin von Abrams


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