Payments are set to break physical and digital borders in 2022. Innovations will make payments accessible across regions; super apps will address consumers’ financial needs all in one place; and lending will extend credit to once-inaccessible segments.
Payments are set to break physical and digital borders in 2022, connecting the world in more ways than ever. Innovations will lower barriers for payments across countries and continents, and the rise of super apps will bring all of consumers’ financial needs—including payments—into a single place. Meanwhile, innovations in lending will extend credit to once-inaccessible segments.
Questions this report covers:
How will state-sponsored central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) impact the payments landscape in their respective markets?
Who is best positioned to gain from the rise of buy now, pay later (BNPL)—and will regulation impact their trajectory?
What will the rise of super apps mean for payments titans looking to maintain or grow their share of the space?
Why are payments providers attracted to sub-Saharan Africa?
KEY STAT: Some 44.1% of US Gen Zers are expected to use BNPL in 2022, a higher share than those of all other generations.
Here’s what’s in the full report
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Crypto Sells Out as Governments Buy In
Gen Z and Payments Titans Move in on BNPL—but So Do Watchdogs
The West’s Answer to Super Apps Finally Takes Shape
International Payments Players Set Their Sights on Africa
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Likelihood of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) to Replace Physical/Fiat National Currencies in Their Country According to Institutional Investors Worldwide, March 2021 (% of respondents)
Likelihood of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) to Replace Physical/Fiat National Currencies in Their Country According to Institutional Investors Worldwide, March 2021 (% of respondents)