Global Media Intelligence 2021: Vietnam

Noteworthy in 2021

Live TV, radio, and print media have ceded attention to digital video and audio, and online press.

  • Almost 79% of internet users ages 16 to 64 in Vietnam had watched live TV in the month prior to polling in H1 2021, a drop of more than 6 percentage points compared with 2020. Time spent with broadcast TV also fell, to 1 hour, 9 minutes (1:09) per day on average.
  • Somewhat surprisingly, time-shifted TV viewing posted a decline as well. This year, the share of respondents watching TV shows via broadcasters’ catch-up or on-demand services slipped from 75.4% to 72.2%, and the share that recorded shows to watch later dropped below 70%.
  • Even subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) providers like Netflix, which posted major gains in viewership in most countries this year, found a slightly smaller audience in Vietnam. In H1 2021, 59.6% of internet users polled there had watched TV programs, films, and other video content via paid-for services in the previous month, compared with 62.3% in H1 2020.


Karin von Abrams


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