Global Media Intelligence 2021: France

Noteworthy in 2021

Most internet users engage regularly with live TV and radio, while print media has a more limited reach.

  • Audiences for broadcast TV and radio remained robust in France. Some 92.4% of internet users ages 16 to 64 had watched live TV in the month prior to polling in Q1 2021, and 74.8% had listened to live radio shows. Daily broadcast TV consumption increased compared with the prior year, to average 2 hours, 40 minutes (2:40). Time spent with radio fell marginally, though, to 59 minutes.
  • Print newspapers and magazines maintained a smaller, but still substantial, market presence—read by 46.4% and 49.2% of internet users, respectively. The most loyal readers of print formats were in older age brackets and higher-income households.
  • Time spent with print press and online publications both rose by 1 minute in H1 2021, to 27 minutes and 36 minutes, respectively.


Karin von Abrams


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