Worldwide OTT Video Viewers Forecast 2024

YouTube Is Incomparable, Netflix Leads Among Paid Options, and Amazon Prime Video Is on the Rise

Billions of people around the world watch digital video via subscription over-the-top (sub OTT) platforms and on YouTube, but this widespread popularity means there is less room for growth going forward. Not every country has embraced sub OTT to the same extent, and some major markets have more room to grow than others.

Key Question: How many people around the world will watch sub OTT services, YouTube, and Netflix in 2024, and what does viewership look like at the country level?

Key Stat: On a global scale, sub OTT has become extremely popular, with 44.9% of worldwide internet users set to watch in 2024. However, regional penetration is quite disparate, and in some geographies, sub OTT is less common.

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Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. OTT video is a worldwide success story, but the outlook is mixed when viewed by country or platform
  1. Most of the world has embraced OTT digital video, but new viewers will be hard to find
  2. Sub OTT is most popular in North America, but growth will come from Indonesia, India, and Latin America
  1. Media Gallery

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Ethan Cramer-Flood


Cosima Balletti-Thomas
Associate Forecasting Analyst
Ross Benes
Senior Analyst
Oscar Bruce Jr.
Senior Forecasting Analyst
Jasmin Ellis
Forecasting Analyst
Zach Goldner
Forecasting Analyst
Wendy Louie-Lam
Senior Forecasting Analyst

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