Apple's latest iPad Pro ad sparks outrage for crushing creativity

The news: Apple recently launched an iPad Pro advertisement that has sparked significant controversy—enough that Apple apologized in a statement to Ad Age, and said it no longer plans to run the spot.

  • The ad featured a hydraulic press crushing various tools of creativity, such as musical instruments and books, to reveal the new device.
  • This visual metaphor was intended to showcase the iPad's superiority and thinness but instead was perceived as an attack on artistic and human expression.
  • The ad was quickly met with backlash across social media platforms, with viewers condemning its message as a celebration of the destruction of creativity and art.

Zoom out: The controversial "Crush!" campaign starkly contrasts with Apple's historically impactful advertisements, such as the 1984 "1984" ad, which celebrated individuality and creativity.

  • This dissonance highlights a shift in messaging that could alienate core segments of Apple’s audience.

Why it matters: The backlash is particularly poignant amid growing anxieties about AI and the potential for technology to replace human roles, especially in creative sectors.

  • High-profile critics, including actors and filmmakers like Hugh Grant and Justine Bateman, voiced their concerns, emphasizing the ad’s insensitivity and its portrayal of a tech-driven assault on cultural industries.
  • Apple's choice of imagery in the ad struck a nerve with a global audience that is increasingly wary of the encroaching influence of technology on personal and professional spaces.
  • This incident has reignited discussions on the balance between technological advancement and the preservation of human craftsmanship and artistic integrity.

The negative reception of the ad raises questions about Apple's sensitivity and connection to the creative communities that have long been integral to its brand identity. This event may prompt Apple to reassess how it communicates the value of its innovations without undermining the creative professions it aims to support.

Our take: While Apple’s intent was likely to highlight the technological prowess of the iPad Pro, the execution was flawed, leading to a rare public apology from the company.

  • This situation serves as a reminder that even giant brands like Apple must tread carefully to align their marketing strategies with public sentiment and respect for the arts.
  • The quick response to pull the ad and apologize shows a readiness to correct course, which is a positive takeaway for any corporation facing public scrutiny.
  • With tablets a stagnant category for Apple, it’s evident that the much-adored brand felt the need to push the envelope—but in this instance, it might have pushed too far.

First Published on May 10, 2024