Why brands need to shift how they think about AR | Sponsored Content

This sponsored article was contributed by Snap Inc.

When it comes to capturing the full potential of augmented reality (AR), brands are missing out by only seeing the tip of the iceberg. The 2022 Ipsos “Augmentality Shift” study commissioned by Snap Inc. revealed a significant gap between how consumers and brands think about AR.

Covering 16 markets and speaking to over 25,000 people, the study found that 90% of brands think AR is primarily for fun, but only 57% of consumers think of it this way. In fact, shopping is the leading reason consumers use AR. It’s time for brands to create more immersive AR experiences that meet consumers’ rising expectations. Here are some of Snap Inc.’s key takeaways to help brands get an AR advantage:

Consumers are already using AR

While businesses are beginning to recognize the benefits of AR, their customers are already becoming fluent. By 2025, nearly 60% of the US population and almost all social and communication apps users will be frequent AR users. Consumers are using AR for more than fun photos with friends, though. They’re interested in a range of AR experiences like traveling and exploring the world, learning, and shopping.

Thanks to its immersive “try-on” technology, AR helps consumers understand how a product will look and fit without having to go into a store, empowering them to make more accurate decisions before they purchase a product. Seven in 10 consumers agree that AR makes the shopping experience easier. Not only does this increase the likelihood of purchase, but AR try-on can also result in less returns, helping brands save money and reduce their environmental impact.

AR improves the customer experience

AR enables businesses to create seamless experiences along the consumer journey, from building awareness to long-term loyalty. By building end-to-end authentic experiences that customers can visualize and share with their friends, you can capitalize on AR and get results for your brand. Eighty-six percent of brands that use AR say it helps drive sales, acquire new customers, and drive performance metrics.

Brands can also build loyalty with consumers by communicating their values through AR. By using AR to share their stance on sustainability, diversity, and health, brands can make their purpose tangible and empower consumers to make positive contributions as well.

How your brand can make an impact with AR

Don’t get left behind—now is your brand’s opportunity to join the AR revolution and connect with consumers in new ways.

  • Understand the demand for AR: Think about what your audience wants, how AR can make their lives easier, and how you can exceed their expectations.
  • Take your audience on a journey: Consider the various touch points of the consumer life cycle and how you can use AR to create a more seamless shopping experience that moves consumers toward purchasing.
  • Build loyalty with engaging experiences: Share your values and beliefs through AR as you build authentic end-to-end experiences that nurture loyal consumers and advocates.

Learn more about AR trends by downloading Ipsos and Snap Inc.'s “Augmentality Shift” report.

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