Canada Mobile Banking Emerging Features Benchmark 2024​

Uncovering Consumer Preferences and Innovation Gaps at the Top 7 Financial Institutions​

About This Report
Our fourth annual study reveals which of the seven largest Canadian banks lead in mobile app innovation, based on an exclusive survey around which features consumers value most.​

With half of consumers in Canada using mobile banking, banks need data-driven insights to ensure they’re meeting evolving customer needs. Our fourth annual study unlocks the innovative features Canadian banks must prioritize to outpace rivals. This deck will:​

  • Uncover the features that 1,392 mobile banking users in Canada value the most.​
  • Reveal how the seven largest Canadian financial institutions (FIs) by domestic assets compare in their support for emerging features.​
  • Identify what features can set banks apart and best help them retain customers.​

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Tiffani Montez


Suzy Davidkhanian
Principal Analyst, Retail & Ecommerce
Maria Elm
Senior Analyst
Na Li
Director, Primary Research
Penelope Lin
Director, Data Visualization
Emma Noyes
Graphic Designer, Data Visualization
Jennifer Pearson
VP, Research
Naomi Rebuelta
Julia Woolever
Senior Report Editor