Who Is Using Pinterest in the US?

The #SocialSeries | Infographic

How Many People Are Using Pinterest?

This year, 77.4 million people in the US—or nearly a quarter of the population—will use Pinterest, a 7.0% increase from 2017, according to eMarketer estimates.

That's an increase of 5 million users—more than Facebook and Twitter will gain combined.

By the end of the forecasting period in 2022, there will be 87.2 million users on the platform.

This week, we're looking at the audiences of social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Each day, we'll feature a different platform. Yesterday, we looked at Twitter. Next up: Pinterest.

Who's Using Pinterest?

While Pinterest usage may skew female, the platform is diversifying demographically as the content evolves and gains broader appeal with millennial men—a push that makes sense since the social network is planning to go public by mid-2019.

"This year we're expecting just as many men to join as women," said senior forecasting analyst Chris Bendtsen. "The split will be roughly 70-30 female to male by the end of the forecast."

Interestingly, Pinterest is the No. 2 social network among baby boomers, behind Facebook. It’s appealing to older generations as a way to look for products and ideas for the home.

Overall, all ages and demographics are seeing healthy growth as Pinterest differentiates itself from other platforms as a place for discovering ideas.

"Pinterest has concentrated on developing distinctive discovery tools, such as visual search,” said principal analyst Yory Wurmser, who covered the topic last month in his Visual Search 2018 report. “This strategic focus seems to be resonating with users, particularly younger users accustomed to visual platforms.”