Infopack: Pets 2024

Online Sales of Pet Products Skyrocket as Consumers Shift to Digital

About This Report
Ecommerce has become a dominant sales channel in the pet industry, fueled by convenience and a broad range of online offerings. By 2028, nearly half of pet products sales will come from ecommerce.

Ecommerce has become a dominant sales channel in the pet industry, fueled by convenience and a broad range of online offerings. By 2028, nearly half of pet products sales will come from ecommerce.

This infopack provides a collection of the most relevant information to help you and your customers understand:

  • The size of the pet products market
  • Factors driving the recent surge in online sales
  • Consumer trends in the sector

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Amy Rotondo


Grace Ann Marie Patricio
Jennifer Pearson
Penelope Lin
Director, Data Visualization