Time Spent With Connected Devices 2024

Mobile Still Leads, but CTV Is Catching Up​

About This Report
The average US adult will spend more than 8 hours per day on digital media this year, with about half of that time spent on mobile devices and more than a quarter on CTV.​

The average US adult will spend more than 8 hours per day on digital media this year, with about half of that time spent on mobile devices and more than a quarter on CTV.​

This deck will:​

  • Present key trends in time spent on connected devices.​
  • Look at how people consume media on different devices and how that's changing.​
  • Examine how that could affect media and advertising strategy.​

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Yoram Wurmser


Jacob Bourne
Chris Keating
Director, Research
Penelope Lin
Director, Data Visualization
Emma Noyes
Graphic Designer, Data Visualization
Oscar Orozco
Director, Forecasting
Sakina Thanawala