The Marketplace Opportunity

Market Insights for B2B Sales Teams​

About This Report
Retail sales via online marketplaces are growing faster than overall ecommerce. As competition in the sector rises, brands and retailers must navigate the challenges of an increasingly complex landscape.

The share of US retail ecommerce sales transacted via marketplaces continues to rise and will reach nearly 40% by 2028. As more brands and retailers participate in this growing sector, they must understand consumer priorities and the complex and evolving dynamics of marketplace operations. 

This deck aims to help solution providers approach retailers and brands with data-rich pitch slides, compelling content marketing assets, and thoughtful prospecting emails that highlight the opportunity in online retail marketplaces.​

This deck will:​

  • Size the opportunity for brands and retailers in online marketplaces.​
  • Examine rising consumer expectations and key challenges facing brands and retailers.​
  • Propose how brands and retailers can participate in online marketplaces to drive revenues and meet consumer need

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Sky Canaves


Suzy Davidkhanian
VP, Content
Donte Gibson
Senior Chart Editor
Vladimir Hanzlik
Executive Editor and SVP, Content
Kyndall Krist
Senior Copy Editor
Wendy Malloy
Director, Reports Editor
Emma Noyes
Graphic Designer, Data Visualization
Amy Rotondo
Director, US Research
Matt Torpey
Senior Chart Data Specialist
Zia Daniell Wigder