Millennials shop on mobile and during weekdays

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In the US, 31% of millennials shop via mobile on weekdays while at home. That’s up 4 percentage points from 2019, while the share who do so via desktop/laptop has decreased by the same amount, to 18%. Since 2019, the shopping habits of US millennials have pivoted away from the weekends and toward mobile.

Beyond the chart: We forecast that 97.9% of US digital shoppers will browse and research products on mobile devices this year, up from 93.8% in 2019. The mobile shopper base will reach 233.1 million in the US this year.

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Methodology: Data is from the September 2022 CouponFollow "Millennial Shopping Habits: Trend Report 2022." 1,257 US internet users ages 25-40 were surveyed online during February 2022. The final sample had slightly more females than male respondents, with income ranges up to $200,000. CouponFollow is a digital coupon site.