How Many Marketers Use Snapchat and Instagram in the US?

The Marketers Series | Infographic

How Many Marketers Are Using Snapchat?

In 2018, 28.3% of US marketers will use Snapchat for marketing purposes, according to our forecasts. This year, we expect Snapchat to make more than $660 million in US ad revenues, an 18.7% increase from last year.

This week, we’re looking at how marketers use various technologies. Each day, we’ll feature a different topic. Yesterday, we took a look at Facebook. Next up: Snapchat and Instagram.

How Many Marketers Are Using Instagram?

This year, nearly seven in 10 US marketers will use Instagram for marketing purposes, according to our forecasts. We expect Instagram to nearly double its US ad revenues this year to $6.12 billion.

Are Marketers Using Snapchat and Instagram in Different Ways?

While Snapchat and Instagram may appear similar to users, marketers take very different approaches when they use these platforms.

One reason for the large difference in the percentage of marketers using Instagram vs. Snapchat is that Snapchat is primarily a paid advertising platform, while Instagram encourages marketers to use its platform organically, without necessarily having to buy advertising.

“Many marketers create accounts on Instagram to share posts and videos with followers. Instagram Stories are also very popular,” said eMarketer principal analyst Debra Aho Williamson. “Snapchat doesn’t offer much support for marketers to use the platform organically, so their usage typically includes paid advertising.”

Another factor driving strong marketer usage of Instagram is its close ties with Facebook, particularly when it comes to advertising. When making an ad buy on Facebook, marketers can simply check a box to add Instagram feed ads or Stories ads as additional placements.

In a March 2018 survey of 300 US senior agency executives by RSW/US and Mirren, 66% of those polled said they use Instagram, and 36% said they use Snapchat.