Global Media Intelligence 2022: Canada

About This Report
The Canada coverage in the Global Media Intelligence Report includes poll results about consumers' media habits, including device ownership and time spent with media.

What’s Inside

The Canada coverage in the Global Media Intelligence Report includes poll results of the following metrics. Click here to view the charts for these metrics:

  • Device Ownership
  • Smartphone and Tablet Owners
  • Smart TV Owners
  • Average Time Spent With Media
  • Traditional Media Users
  • TV Viewers
  • Video-on-Demand (VOD) Viewers
  • Social Media/Messaging Users
  • Digital Audio Listeners
  • Voice Assistant/Search Users

Key Points

  • Mobile media consumption in Canada trails many other similar countries tracked by GWI. While the smartphone market is nearly fully saturated, average daily time spent on mobile devices is relatively low—over half an hour less than in the US.

Here’s what’s in the full report

Table of Contents

  1. What’s Inside
  2. Key Points
  1. Canada in Perspective
  2. Canada Chart Overview
  1. Media Gallery


Paul Briggs


Anam Baig
Director, Report Editing
Alina Brentnall
Senior Researcher
Man-Chung Cheung
Senior Researcher
Alexandra Chipkin
Researcher, SEA & Canada
Joanne DiCamillo
Senior Production Artist
Paola Flores-Marquez
Researcher, Latin America & Spain
Kathleen Hamblin
Director, Charts
Dana Hill
Director of Production
Erika Huber
Line Editor
Jennifer Jhun
Research Director, International and Special Projects
Ann Marie Kerwin
VP, Content
Penelope Lin
Senior Copy Editor
Jennifer Pearson
VP, Research
Erika Skorstad
Copy Editor