Global Media Intelligence 2023: Middle East and Africa

About This Report
The Middle East and Africa coverage in the Global Media Intelligence Report includes poll results from Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates.

What’s Inside

The Middle East and Africa coverage in the Global Media Intelligence (GMI) Report includes poll results from Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Click the links to see each country’s charts for the following metrics:

  • Device ownership
  • Smartphone and tablet ownership
  • Smart TV owners
  • Average time spent with media
  • Traditional media users
  • TV viewers
  • Video-on-demand (VOD) viewers
  • Social media/messaging users
  • Digital audio listeners
  • Voice assistant/search users

Executive Summary

  • The Middle East and Africa has stayed mostly consistent in penetration rates and time spent with media, despite small decreases across the board. The biggest drop was a 13-minute loss in time spent with online TV/streaming, but it still leaves the region as No. 2 behind North America.

Here’s what’s in the full report

Table of Contents

  1. What’s Inside
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Middle East and Africa in Perspective
  1. Regional Overview
  2. Country Highlights
  3. Chart Overview by Country
  1. Media Gallery


Paola Flores-Marquez