Worldwide Social Media Outlook 2023

After a Tough 2022, the Major Platforms Start a New Chapter

Executive Summary

The social media landscape changes every year, but 2023 will bring bigger-than-usual transformations as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter confront a slowdown in user and revenue growth, and as uncertainty about US regulation looms over TikTok. Meanwhile, new challengers wait in the wings.


  1. Is social media dying or just shedding its skin?
  2. Will Twitter be able to reverse its user decline?
  3. How big a threat is the combination of Douyin and TikTok to Meta’s platforms?

WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? Our updated worldwide forecasts for Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and Twitter users and ad revenues, along with what to watch for 2023.

KEY STAT: The major worldwide social platforms will move in different directions when it comes to user growth in 2023.

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Debra Aho Williamson


Jade Appel
Associate Forecasting Analyst
Man-Chung Cheung
Senior Researcher
Jasmin Ellis
Forecasting Analyst
Jasmine Enberg
Principal Analyst
Peter Newman
Senior Forecasting Analyst
Jane Xu
Associate Forecasting Analyst
Ruoyan Zeng
Associate Forecasting Analyst