Coupon Clipping; Amazon Expansion; Experiences Rated

The numbers you need to know today

Coupons Are Common: Nearly all US consumers have used coupons, according to new Valassis research—94% in 2018, up from 90% in both 2016 and 2017. Paperless coupon use (via mobile devices or loyalty cards) is also at an all-time high. Three-fourths of consumers have used them, with even more millennials (88%) doing so. Yet preferred sources of coupons are still traditional. The leading methods were getting them in the mail (48%) or from a newspaper (42%), while less popular methods were downloading on mobile (36%) and printing from the internet (35%). 

Amazon R Us? Amazon is rumored to be eyeing some shuttered Toys "R" Us locations. Not for the inventory but for the space, as the online retailer continues its brick-and-mortar expansion. So far, this has extended to bookstores and the Amazon Go convenience store, but it's possible Amazon could open showrooms to highlight its line of Echo devices for in-store shoppers. 

Industry Experience: Supermarkets made a strong showing in the 2018 Temkin Experience Ratings. US consumers were asked to evaluate recent experiences with 318 companies in 20 industries on traits like emotion, effort and success. The No. 1 spot went to Wegmans, with a rating of 86%, followed closely by H-E-B and Publix Super Markets, both at 83%. Aldi and Trader Joe’s also made the top 12. As industries, fast-food chains and retailers both had scores over 70%, which Temkin characterizes as “good.”