Programmatic Digital Display Ad Spending

Ad Spending and Industry Trends Through 2021 for Canada, China, France, Germany, the UK and the US

Programmatic Digital Display Ad Spending

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Ad Spending and Industry Trends Through 2021 for Canada, China, France, Germany, the UK and the US

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About This Report
This report collection explores programmatic digital display ad spending through 2021 across Canada, China, France, Germany, the UK and the US. Reports include breakdowns by device, transaction type and more, and explore the factors driving investment.

Executive Summary

In a mere matter of years, automation has come to dominate how media buyers access display ad inventory.

Programmatic advertising, that is, the use of automation in the buying, selling or fulfillment of ads, is no longer merely synonymous with real-time bidding (RTB), an auction-based, impression-level method of buying ad inventory that first put the term on the digital advertising map. Automated tools and technologies now power the vast majority of social advertising. They power direct transactions and guarantees that use automation to enhance audience targeting. They grant buyers access to premium video and in-app inventory. They make it possible to secure quality inventory and audiences from the walled gardens. Programmatic is, in a word, powerful.

We released our first estimates of programmatic display ad spending for the US in 2014. In 2015, we released our first estimate for the UK and in 2016, we released additional estimates for Canada, China, France and Germany. Over the years, we’ve watched these markets adopt, optimize and advance their programmatic advertising practices to the point where today, programmatic accounts for the majority of display ad spending for all of them.

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Lauren Fisher


Ross Benes
Alina Brentnall
Researcher, Europe
Paul Briggs
Senior Analyst
Man-Chung Cheung
Research Analyst
Blake Droesch
Junior Analyst
Bill Fisher
Senior Analyst
Eric Haggstrom
Forecasting Analyst
Nazmul Islam
Junior Forecasting Analyst
Angela Kim
Senior Researcher
Jennifer Jhun
Research Director, International and Special Projects
Nicole Perrin
Principal Analyst
Monica Peart
Senior Director, Forecasting
Melissa Rosenberg
Senior Researcher
Shelleen Shum
Director, Forecasting
Tracy Tang
Senior Researcher
Karin von Abrams
Principal Analyst