Sale ads are the best drivers of awareness, purchase for digital shoppers

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Key stat: Ads for products on sale are the most effective form of retail media advertising, with 51% of US digital shoppers saying they pay attention to them and 44% of digital shoppers saying they purchase from them, per Integral Ad Science.

Beyond the chart:

  • Retail media ad spend across US digital channels will hit $45.15 billion this year, a 19.7% increase YoY, per our forecast.
  • Spend on search ads will make up 65.8% of total US retail media ad spend this year, totaling $29.69 billion.
  • Display advertising makes up a smaller portion of total US retail media ad spend, but it will grow faster than search every year through the end of our forecast period in 2027.

Use this chart:

  • Understand how digital shoppers interact with retail media ads.
  • Identify which types of ads are suited for driving awareness and which are suited for conversion.

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Note: Respondents were asked, "Which of the following types of ads do you pay the most attention to on retail platforms? Of the following types of ads, which have led you to products that you have purchased over the past 12 months on retail platforms?"

Methodology: Data is from the August 2023 Integral Ad Science (IAS) report titled "Driving ROI In Retail Media Networks." 1,669 US digital shoppers were surveyed online during March 2023. All respondents identified themselves as having shopped for products via retail media network ads.