Global Facebook Users 2019

Five Countries Will See Declining Usage as Growth Story Tilts More Heavily to Developing Countries

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About This Report
Facebook will have 1.73 billion worldwide users in 2019 and will add a quarter of a billion more users by 2023. These gains are primarily happening in developing countries, while developed markets including South Korea, Japan and France are shedding users.

Executive Summary

Facebook’s user base worldwide will increase 5.6% to 1.73 billion in 2019. But the list of countries where Facebook usage is declining has grown from two to five since 2018. That puts more pressure on the platform to retain valuable users in developed countries while growing where it still can in the developing world.

Where is Facebook still gaining users?

Nearly all of Facebook’s growth is happening in developing countries. It will gain more than 250 million users between 2019 and 2023. India is Facebook’s largest—and fastest-growing—market. Five of the 10 fastest-growing countries are in Asia-Pacific.

Where is Facebook losing users?

In 2019, Facebook will lose users in Japan, South Korea, France, the Netherlands and Germany.

What’s going on with teen and young adult Facebook usage in the US?

Between 2019 and 2023, it will lose 1.2 million users ages 12 to 17 (falling from 9.9 million to 8.7 million) and an additional 1.2 million users in the 18-to-24 age group (going from 20.0 million to 18.8 million). In 2020 in the US, Instagram (which is owned by Facebook) will have more users in both the 12-to-17 and 18-to-24 age groups than Facebook.

Which region has the strongest Facebook usage among internet users?

The social network’s user base is expected to grow 4.0% in Latin America in 2019, and a greater percentage of internet users are on Facebook in the region than anywhere else worldwide.

WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? In this report, we update our Facebook worldwide usage forecast through 2023 and discuss trends in key markets.

KEY STAT: Facebook’s monthly user base will reach an estimated 1.73 billion in 2019 and approach 2 billion by 2023. Much of that growth is happening in developing countries, while some developed markets are starting to shed users.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Worldwide
  3. US and Canada
  4. Europe
  1. Asia-Pacific
  2. Latin America
  3. Middle East and Africa
  4. Key Takeaways
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  2. Media Gallery


Debra Aho Williamson


Alina Brentnall
Researcher, Europe
Matteo Ceurvels
Research Analyst
Jasmine Enberg
Senior Analyst
Eric Haggstrom
Forecasting Analyst
Jeane Han
Senior Researcher
Nazmul Islam
Junior Forecasting Analyst
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Senior Researcher and Taxonomy Manager
Rini Mukhopadhyay
Forecasting Analyst
Monica Peart
Senior Director, Forecasting
Chuck Rawlings
Shelleen Shum
Director, Forecasting
Peter Vahle
Forecasting Analyst