Executive Summary
Proximity mobile payment usage is on the rise in Germany, as 12.5% of smartphone users are expected to make an in-store mobile payment in 2019. While the number of users continues to rise, Germany is still far behind the Western European average.
How many people in Germany use proximity mobile payments?
We forecast that 6.7 million individuals in Germany will use proximity mobile payments at least once within a six-month period in 2019. This number will slowly increase to 10.5 million by 2023. By then, 19.4% of smartphone users are expected to use proximity mobile payments.
What are the leading mobile payment service providers?
PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Payback Pay are the top providers in Germany. Banking apps that include mobile payment options, such as those from Sparkasse and Deutsche Bank, as well as retailer apps including the Starbucks app, Edeka, Netto and others, also have significant traction.
Why has Germany’s proximity mobile payment usage lagged behind?
Uptake has lagged behind in Germany for a variety of reasons, including persistent preference for cash and other card payments, security and privacy concerns, and competition from contactless cards.
What are the opportunities for mobile payments in Germany?
Consumers in Germany are just now starting to use cards more than cash, and the use of contactless cards is slowly picking up—a precursor for proximity mobile payment habits. Opportunities for proximity mobile payment growth include: more compatibility with banks (especially on Android operating systems), banks offering their own mobile payment systems, and added security features.
WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? This report examines the proximity mobile payments landscape in Germany, based on our most recent forecasts. It will look at who is using proximity mobile payments, what the leading payment service providers are, and why adoption is lagging behind in Germany.