Who’s actually buying stuff from podcast ads?

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Millennials are the age group most likely to buy products or services advertised on podcasts, according to a survey of US podcast listeners by Morning Consult. These ads are also more likely to drive purchases among listeners earning more than $100,000 per year.

Beyond the chart: By our estimates, millennials are the biggest cohort of US podcast listeners. But that varies depending on each podcast’s focus. A podcast focused on life after retirement will have older listeners, for example.

Three in 10 people in the US will listen to podcasts weekly this year. Reach your key consumers by understanding what genres they’re listening to and meet them on those podcasts.

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Methodology: Data is from the January 2023 Morning Consult report titled "National Tracking Poll #2210197." 2,202 US adults ages 18+ were surveyed online during October 29-31, 2022. The sample was nationally representative.