Which mobile ad formats command the most attention?

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The larger the mobile ad, the more time spent looking at it. Static interscroller ads, which fill the screen once users scroll past a certain point, receive the most attention from smartphone users worldwide—an average of 3.3 seconds. For the video interscroller format, that figure is 3.0 seconds.

Beyond the chart: This year, mobile will claim more than three-quarters of digital ad dollars worldwide for the first time, exceeding $450 billion in spend. In 2023, that total will grow to about $515 billion, and for the first time, mobile will make up more than half of all media ad spend.

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Methodology: Data is from an August 2022 Yahoo and OMD Worldwide report titled "Attention in Context" conducted by Amplified Intelligence. 4,441 smartphone users ages 18+ in Australia, Canada, the UK, and the US took part in an attention measurement study conducted during April 5-26, 2022. Participants used Amplified Intelligence's mobile app to capture facial footage via their smartphone's camera, along with metadata such as ad viewability, scroll patterns, sound use, and device orientation. The overall base of participants viewed 128,000 mobile web ads.