Where to reach Gen Z online

Key stat: 87.9% of US Gen Zers are social network users, according to our forecast. That puts social media use just behind digital video viewing, but the gap will close over the next few years.

Beyond the chart:

  • US Gen Zers are most likely to be on YouTube, where 89.3% of the cohort spends time. That’s followed by Instagram (72.5%), TikTok (71.2%), and Snapchat (70.3%), per our forecast.
  • But advertisers shouldn’t discount smaller platforms like Reddit, where Gen Z use is accelerating, or Pinterest, where the number of US Gen Z users will rival that of millennials by 2028, per our forecast.
  • Though Gen Z’s VR use lingers behind any other form of media, activity is on the rise, and advertisers should keep a close eye on the tech as applications become more accessible.

Use this chart:

  • Pitch the importance of reaching Gen Z on video and social.
  • Demonstrate Gen Z’s low but growing VR use.
  • Evaluate advertising to Gen Zers via podcasts.

More like this:

Methodology: Estimates are based on the analysis of survey and web traffic data from research firms and regulatory agencies, historical trends, and demographic adoption trends.