TikTok screen time is growing faster than expected for adult users

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Time spent with TikTok will reach 55.8 minutes per day among US adult users this year, per our latest forecast, about 9 minutes more than expected in last year’s update. In 2024, time spent will increase to 58.4 minutes, up 4.8% year over year. We also expect TikTok’s US user base to cross the 100 million mark this year.

Beyond the chart: TikTok already boasts more user time spent than YouTube, overtaking it by nearly 6 minutes per day in 2022, according to our estimates.

Now, TikTok is coming for Netflix, where adult viewers will spend 61.8 minutes per day watching longer-form content this year. In addition to launching its longest-ever format last week, TikTok is also chipping away at the streaming platform’s dominance through “second screening”—where users scroll through TikTok and other mobile apps while shows or movies (and potentially ads) play in the background.

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