Majority of marketers use YouTube as an awareness driver

Key stat: More than double the percentage of marketers worldwide say their primary goals on YouTube are top-of-funnel, driving brand awareness, versus bottom-of-funnel, driving conversions, per August 2024 data by the Influencer Marketing Hub.

Beyond the chart:

  • 18% of Gen Zers and 19% of non-Gen Zers use YouTube to research and evaluate products, according to our July 2024 “US Consumer Path to Purchase 2024” survey.
  • YouTube is the second-most popular channel for product research among non-Gen Zers, behind Facebook, proving the channel is valuable for mid-funnel consideration goals, too.

Use this chart: Marketers can use this chart to steer their YouTube measurement tactics. They can also make a case for diversifying video ad investments based on campaign objectives.

Related EMARKETER reports:

Note: Respondents were asked, "What are your primary goals with YouTube marketing?"

Methodology: Data is from the September 2024 Influencer MarketingHub "YouTube Marketing Report 2024." 250 marketers worldwide were surveyed during August 2024.

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