Germany Time Spent With Media 2024

Traditional Media Still Dominates, but Digital Is Gaining Fast

The media environment in Germany continues to be dominated by traditional media, as the country’s aging population shapes the narrative. That said, time spent with traditional media will slowly decline, while digital will pick up the slack, leading to stability in overall media time.

Key Question: How is media time spent apportioned across traditional and digital channels, and how will the balance change in the coming years?

Key Stat: This year, total media time will be down by only 11 minutes from the pandemic high of 10 hours and 25 minutes (10:25) in 2020. Consumption will remain steady through the rest of our forecast.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Traditional media remains strong, but digital is catching up
  3. A pandemic bump in total time spent has endured
  1. Traditional media still rules, but the digital tipping point is in sight
  2. Time spent with mobile epitomizes digital’s rise
  3. Traditional TV retains its appeal, meaning more overall video time
  1. Sources
  2. Media Gallery

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Bill Fisher


Paul Briggs
Principal Analyst
Brian Lau
Forecasting Analyst