Ad industry split on the best cookie alternative as Google’s phaseout looms

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Nearly half (49.0%) of advertisers worldwide believe that activating their own first-party data is the most promising solution to cookie deprecation, according to DoubleVerify. However, only 16.6% of publishers say the same of this solution. Publishers’ top choice for replacing cookie-dependent tools is publisher first-party data activation, chosen as a promising solution by just 27.1% of advertisers.

Beyond the chart: No one solution was chosen as a top contender by more than 50% of respondents, suggesting many are still figuring out how to deal with Google’s deprecation of cookies in Chrome.

As the 2024 deadline approaches, we’re going to see a lot more trial and error among both cohorts as they scramble to find a solution that will work. Most will likely need to employ multiple strategies as these solutions gain momentum and adoption.

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Methodology: Data is from a May 2023 DoubleVerify report titled "Post-Cookie Questions: How Advertising Strategies and Sentiments Are Evolving." 406 advertisers and 404 publishers worldwide were surveyed during February 2023.