5G US Mobile Network Users Overview 2021

Fifth-Generation Wireless Will See Years of Explosive User Growth

About This Report
This report presents our inaugural forecast on US mobile network users. It focuses on 5G subscriptions, connections, and users, and profiles the major mobile telecom providers.

Executive Summary

The US rollout of 5G wireless services got off to a slow start, and 2020’s unique challenges made things worse. However, our inaugural forecast on US mobile network users suggests that 5G is finally about to boom.

How many US mobile service subscriptions are on 5G?

At the end of 2020, the US market had 15.8 million 5G mobile service subscriptions (slightly more than the total number of users due to individuals with multiple accounts). This figure will skyrocket by 161.4% to 41.3 million in 2021.

How fast will 5G grow in the US?

Very fast. US 5G mobile service subscriptions will grow 79.1% in 2022 and 71.9% in 2023 before tapering off to 32.0% growth by 2024. The total number of 5G-enabled devices connected to 5G service will grow at even higher rates; by 2024, 167.9 million 5G mobile service subscriptions will account for 222.3 million wireless connections.

Which mobile telecom provider will have the most 5G users?

T-Mobile had the early lead, but Verizon Wireless has caught up and will eventually pull ahead. In 2020, T-Mobile and Verizon each had 5.5 million users on their 5G networks, while AT&T Mobility had 4.4 million. In 2021, Verizon will have 15.0 million 5G users while T-Mobile will have 13.2 million, and AT&T will rack up 10.7 million.

WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? This report details our inaugural forecast on US mobile network users through 2024, including 5G subscriptions, connections, and users. It also takes a deep dive into the major mobile telecom providers.

KEY STAT: The number of US 5G mobile service subscriptions will increase 161.4% to 41.3 million in 2021, with growth expected to continue at tremendous rates for several years.

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Ethan Cramer-Flood


Peter Newman
Senior Forecasting Analyst
Yoram Wurmser
Principal Analyst