Why retailers should care about the post-purchase experience

It can cost five to 25 times more to acquire a new customer than retain an existing one (per Harvard Business Review), so it’s in retailers’ best interest to invest in keeping customers satisfied after they buy.

The disconnect: Brands tend to put a lot more thought into getting consumers to discover and buy their products than what happens after a purchase is made.

  • Only 15% of video content created by marketers in North America is dedicated to the post-purchase stage, per the Content Marketing Institute.
  • Less than a fifth (18%) of retail leaders in the UK believe the post-purchase experience can be significantly improved, per a survey from Sorted.

Data suggests that the post-purchase experience, which includes everything from shipping to customer feedback surveys, may have more of an impact than retailers think.

  • 93% of consumers consider the post-purchase experience important and 83% believe there’s room for improvement in the post-purchase process, according to the Sorted survey.
  • Shipping plays a major role in the post-purchase experience. Nearly all (90%) of online shoppers say the shipping experience accounts for at least half of their overall online shopping experience, per UPS Capital’s “How Shipping Experience is Driving CX” report.
  • Other post-purchase factors that weigh on the customer experience include loyalty points not being automatically applied or getting targeted with ads for an already-purchased item, per a December 2022 survey of Australian consumers from Yotpo.

The opportunity: Brands can use the post-purchase experience to deepen their relationship with a customer and turn them into repeat purchasers. Beyond basics like flexible shipping options, fast delivery, and relevant ads, retailers can experiment with more creative ways to engage customers after they make a purchase.

  • Make opening the product an experience within itself. Brands from Hermes to Balmain use elegant, chic packaging to make unboxing feel luxurious. Not only does this make customers feel like VIPs, but it also encourages them to make unboxing videos and post them on social.
  • Provide consumers with additional or exclusive content. Uniqlo puts out Lifewear magazine twice a year, which showcases its clothing and contains articles on lifestyle and culture around the world.
  • Create a recycling program that rewards consumers for returning empty packaging. Kiehl’s customers can return empty products to their stores to earn loyalty points and rewards.


This was originally featured in the Retail Daily newsletter. For more retail insights, statistics, and trends, subscribe here.