US Telehealth Trends 2022

What Consumers Really Want from a Hybrid Delivery System

Executive Summary

The COVID-19 pandemic made telehealth the only means for most patients and caregivers to see or consult a healthcare provider for the majority of 2020. Usage slipped in 2021 as vaccines helped to reopen the economy and bring patients back to hospitals, clinics, and physicians’ offices. But consumers like the convenience, and the coronavirus’ ongoing mutations and surges will make telehealth a permanent fixture in the healthcare landscape. For providers, telehealth is a major shift in delivering services. To stay ahead, providers of telehealth need to keep up with what patients want and need.


  1. Who is most likely to continue using telehealth services, and for what purposes?
  2. What features do consumers value most, and least, from telehealth providers?
  3. How should healthcare providers, insurers, and vendors adapt to this hybrid model of care delivery?

WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? We surveyed 1,609 US adults to gauge consumers’ preferences and the value they place on 24 telehealth features. Here, we explore what patients value most and least in the end-to-end telehealth experience—and what providers should do to keep them coming back.

KEY STAT: Most consumers who used telehealth in 2021 expect to use it again in 2022. Younger generations, considered to be digital natives, are far more likely to continue using telehealth. Baby boomers are not as enamored with the service but find it useful if its features fit their needs.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Key Points
  3. Telehealth’s Sudden Spotlight
  1. Telehealth Features Are a Competitive Edge
  2. Telehealth Service Providers: Who’s Zooming Whom?
  3. There’s Still a Lot to Do to Make Telehealth Work
  1. Read Next
  2. Sources
  3. Media Gallery

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Lisa Phillips


Dave Frankland
Principal Analyst, Marketing
Jeane Han
Senior Researcher
Ona Koehler
Senior Director, Benchmarking
Rajiv Leventhal
Analyst, Digital Health
Na Li
Director, Primary Research