US Teen Digital Habits 2025

GenAI Joins YouTube, Social Media, and Gaming as a Must-Have

Teens’ interests vary as they age. But they’re consistent in their devotion to YouTube, social media (especially TikTok), and gaming. One new factor is generative AI (genAI), which they’re already leveraging to improve their day-to-day tasks.

Key Question: Where are US teens spending their time online?

Key Stat: US teens spend more time on TikTok (1:18) than they do on Instagram (0:33) and Snapchat (0:31) combined.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Teens are increasingly comfortable using genAI
  3. YouTube is the leading digital platform among teens
  1. The combination of TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat is still the essential social media starter pack for teens
  2. Gaming provides social and self-soothing benefits for teens
  3. What does this mean for advertisers?
  1. Sources
  2. Media Gallery

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Paola Flores-Marquez


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