Executive Summary
2018 was a turbulent year for social media, and we believe more fallout is ahead, especially for Facebook. Here is what we will be watching for in 2019.
What will happen with Facebook?
Marketers will continue to advertise there, even though there are mounting signs of trouble with usage and engagement in the US. However, the US will make up just 10% of Facebook’s global user base this year, and user growth is still strong in other markets, such as Asia-Pacific.
What about Instagram and Snapchat?
We think Instagram will experience some growing pains this year. It will chafe against its parent company, Facebook, and we expect that the investigations into data practices and privacy that last year focused on Facebook will widen to include Instagram. Snapchat will continue to experience usage challenges in the US but will make up for them (partially) by increasing average ad revenue per user (AARPU).
Will stories really take over feeds?
We expect an explosion of stories and vertical video across the digital landscape. That will lead to the inevitable swing of the pendulum toward backlash and questioning about stories’ effectiveness. Facebook will work hard to promote the format to users and advertisers, but the feed will remain the dominant way users use the app.
What will happen with hot-button areas such as social shopping, social video and influencer marketing?
We’re expecting positive trends for social shopping, another year of challenges for social video shows and a shift away from celebrity influencers back toward those with fewer followers.
WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? This report features our forecasts and predictions for social media in 2019.