US Retail Industry Digital Ad Spending 2023

Competition for Consumer Dollars Drives Above-Average Growth

About This Report
Retail’s resilience and its outsized role in digital ad spending will help offset the impact of a broader slowdown in growth in the US digital advertising market.

Retail’s resilience and its outsized role in digital ad spending will help offset the impact of a broader slowdown in growth in the US digital ad market.

Key Question: What’s the outlook for retail industry digital ad spending through 2025, and where is its growth coming from?

KEY STAT: US retail digital ad spending will grow by 12.2% this year— significantly above the overall digital ad spending rate of 7.8%—to reach $73.55 billion and account for 27.9% of all digital ad spending.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. The retail industry will steady the US digital ad market.
  1. Sources
  2. Media Gallery

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