US Retail Ecommerce Returns 2024

How Retailers Can Deal With Rising Fraud and Gen Z Habits

About This Report
Online return rates are finally coming down from recent highs. But as ecommerce's share of retail sales grows, so will returns from online sales.

Ecommerce returns surged during the pandemic and cut deeply into retailer margins. Now, even as return rates come down, retailers continue to grapple with more returns from online sales. This deck will:

  • Share our latest forecasts on US retail and ecommerce returns.
  • Examine key challenges and trends in managing returns.
  • Highlight online shoppers’ returns habits and preferences.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Sky Canaves


Rahul Chadha
Director, Report Editing
Suzy Davidkhanian
Principal Analyst, Retail & Ecommerce
Jasmin Ellis
Forecasting Analyst
Donte Gibson
Senior Chart Editor
Vladimir Hanzlik
Executive Editor
Emma Noyes
Graphic Designer, Data Visualization
Amy Rotondo
Director, US Research
Matt Torpey
Senior Chart Data Specialist
Ali Young
Senior Copy Editor