US Remote Patient Monitoring Forecast 2021

What’s Driving Growth, and What It Means for Healthcare

About This Report
The remote patient monitoring market is surging, with the number of US users doubling between 2020 and 2025. Consumers, healthcare providers, payers, and pharma companies are all investing in the technology and programs to improve care and lower cost.

Executive Summary

Since the onset of the pandemic, consumers have greater expectations for what services they can receive right in their homes, and healthcare is no exception. The rise of consumer health tracking devices, along with the global health crisis, will continue to propel remote patient monitoring to new heights in the US.


  1. How many US consumers use remote patient monitoring, and how big will the market be in 2025?
  2. Which trends are driving growth in the US remote patient monitoring market?
  3. What opportunities is the technology creating for hospitals, healthcare payers, and pharmaceutical companies?

WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? This report presents our user forecast for remote patient monitoring (RPM) through 2025, key trends driving adoption, and implications for the rapidly growing market.

KEY STAT: The number of remote patient monitoring users in the US will more than double between 2020 and 2025 to 70.6 million.

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    Table of Contents

    1. Executive Summary
    2. Key Points
    3. How Big Is the Remote Patient Monitoring Market?
    1. Top Trends and Players Driving RPM’s Rapid Growth
    2. Next Steps for the Healthcare Industry
    3. Insider Intelligence Interviews
    1. Read Next
    2. Sources
    3. Media Gallery

    Charts in This Report

    Interviewed for This Report

    Sheeza Hussain
    Chief Commercial Officer
    Interviewed September 21, 2021
    Eliott Jones
    Co-Founder and CEO
    Interviewed September 14, 2021
    Hon Pak, MD
    Samsung Electronics America
    Chief Medical Officer
    Interviewed July 11, 2021
    Inder Singh
    Founder and CEO
    Interviewed September 20, 2021
    Renee Yao
    Global Healthcare AI Startups Lead
    Interviewed June 22, 2021

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    Rayna Hollander


    Jeane Han
    Senior Researcher
    Rajiv Leventhal
    Analyst, Digital Health
    Lisa Phillips
    Principal Analyst, Digital Health