US Programmatic Ad Spending Forecast 2018

Private Setups Pull Even More Ad Dollars to Automation

About This Report
Nearly $47 billion in US digital ad spending will transact programmatically in 2018. By 2020, programmatic will account for 86.2% of digital display ad dollars. What’s driving spend? Read on for eMarketer’s latest US programmatic forecast.

eMarketer predicts that more than $46 billion will go to programmatic advertising in the US this year. By 2020, 86.2% of all digital display ads will be bought via automated channels.

  • Nearly $19 billion in additional ad spending will enter the programmatic display space between 2018 and 2020. And the majority will go to private setups, such as private marketplaces (PMPs) and programmatic direct transactions, as buyer wariness toward the open markets’ transparency and quality issues persists.
  • By 2020, almost 90% of all mobile display ads will transact programmatically, buoyed by continued investment in social platforms, and ongoing efforts to bring programmatic and its audience-buying capabilities to the in-app space.
  • Programmatic channels will claim nearly three-quarters of digital video ad dollars in 2018, a portion that will rise to almost 80% by 2020. As added investment in over-the-top (OTT) and connected TV (CTV) inventory grows, momentum around programmatic video will only rise.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. What's Inside
  2. Programmatic Ad Spending Outlook
  3. Programmatic Direct
  4. Real-Time Bidding (RTB)
  1. Native Advertising
  2. Mobile Programmatic
  3. Video
  4. eMarketer Interviews
  1. Related eMarketer Reports
  2. Media Gallery

Charts in This Report


Lauren Fisher


Nicole Perrin
Principal Analyst
Andrea Szasz
Forecasting Analyst
Tracy Tang
Senior Researcher