US Physicians on Social Media

What Marketers Need to Know About How Doctors Engage on Social Platforms

Healthcare providers engage on social media for both professional and personal purposes. Pharmaceutical marketers can meet them on these platforms—but they need to better understand physicians’ online behaviors, attitudes toward social media, and preferences for accessing medical information online.

Key Question: How are physicians using social media today, and how can pharma marketers more effectively connect with them on various platforms?

Key Stat: Many US physicians will change how they feel about medications or treatments, as well as their prescribing choices, based on information they’ve seen on social media.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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    Table of Contents

    1. Executive Summary
    2. Physicians are active social media users
    3. Which social platforms are physicians using?
    1. Physicians can be influenced by the medical information they access on social media
    2. How can pharmaceutical marketers capitalize on physicians’ social media engagement?
    3. Insider Intelligence Interviews
    1. Sources
    2. Media Gallery

    Interviewed for This Report

    Casey Ross
    FCB Health New York | An IPG Health Company
    Senior Vice President, Social Media Strategy Director
    Interviewed February 1, 2024

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    First Published on Feb 21, 2024


    Rajiv Leventhal


    Jennifer Pearson
    VP, Research
    Lisa Phillips
    Principal Analyst, Digital Health

    "Behind the Numbers" Podcast