US Payment Card Networks 2022

Turning Market Disruption Into Growth Opportunities

About This Report
The $11 trillion US payment card network is developing new strategies to turn threats from fintechs, homegrown networks, and rising regulatory scrutiny into growth opportunities.

Executive Summary

Card networks are facing real threats to the core of their business, coming mainly from regulatory scrutiny and increased competition from fintechs and domestic networks. But by changing tactics—like moving into multirail payment systems, information monetization, and services—these networks will not only overcome the threats, but also come out ahead.


  1. How are US payment card networks transforming themselves to see off fintech disintermediation threats and other competitive and regulatory pressures?
  2. How does this process open additional revenue streams for card networks, card issuers, and acquirers?
  3. How is the network transformation affecting the broader payments ecosystem?

WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? This report will explore the competitive and regulatory threats to networks, discuss how these networks are responding to the disruptors, and how this will impact the larger payments ecosystem.

KEY STAT: US card network transaction value will surpass $14 trillion in 2024, with payments behemoth Visa accounting for 57.3% of the business.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Key Points
  3. Payment Card Network Growth Opportunity
  1. Facing Down Disruptors
  2. Threat Jiujitsu
  3. Read Next
  1. Sources
  2. Media Gallery

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Grace Broadbent


Daniel Decea
Researcher, Financial Services
David Morris
Principal Analyst
Oscar Orozco
Director, Forecasting
Jaime Toplin
Senior Analyst