Executive Summary
Sure, the pandemic has made life tougher for lots of parents. But many were struggling before the coronavirus arrived and will still be struggling after it goes away. Marketers hoping to connect with parents must proceed from a realistic picture of the stresses that modern-day parenting entails.
How big a deal is work/life balance for parents?
Very big, especially with a large majority of mothers (and larger majority of fathers) in the workforce. Many mothers see their careers stalled by parenthood. Working at home while caring for kids hasn’t been easy during the pandemic. The high cost of childcare drives some parents (usually mothers) out of the workforce.
Have today’s fathers taken on more of the burden of childcare and housework?
Often more than their own fathers did, but less than they think they do—and typically much less than mothers still do, even in households where both are working. That’s one reason why many mothers don’t make adequate time for self-care. And the “momcation” isn’t an option for most mothers.
Is kids’ screen time still a point of contention for parents?
It is, though many parents have been willing to use screens as a babysitter when the pandemic has had everyone stuck at home. One problem is that kids tend to get smartphones and social media accounts at a younger age than parents would prefer.
Are single parents a major part of the parenting mix?
Absolutely. Census data shows single-parent households accounting for nearly three in 10 households with kids. While the number of single fathers has risen, most single parents still are single mothers. And while some are thriving, many single mothers struggle financially.
WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? Modern-day parenting was tough enough before a pandemic came along to make it tougher. This report looks at major sources of stress faced by mothers and fathers these days, ranging from work/life balance to kids’ screen time to division of labor in the household.