Mcommerce sales will continue to rise, growing to over 40% of total ecommerce sales. But the market is slowing down overall, and the days of high double-digit growth are coming to an end.
Building on momentum from a significant pandemic bounce, mcommerce sales continue to grow, albeit at the lowest rate in years. Growth will speed up again in 2023 and stay level above 13% through 2026, when US retail mcommerce sales will approach $700 billion, more than 41% of total retail ecommerce.
How big is mcommerce in the US?
What’s driving the growth in mcommerce sales?
What does it mean for retailers and brands?
WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? Our forecast for US retail mcommerce sales and trends from 2020 to 2026.
KEY STAT: After leveling off following a pandemic bump, the mcommerce share of total retail will resume growing next year, reaching 8.7% by 2026.
Here’s what’s in the full report
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Key Points
How Big Is Retail Mcommerce in the US?
What’s Driving Growth in Mcommerce?
What Does This Mean for Retailers and Advertisers?
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