Chief among digital advertising formats, display will account for well over half of all US digital ad spending this year, marching steadily toward the 60% milestone. Video drives most of that growth, as advertisers ramp up spend in social video and connected TV (CTV).
How much will US advertisers spend on display this year?
How does display ad spending break down by format, device, and transaction method?
Which emerging trends will be most influential in the display advertising marketplace this year?
WHAT’S IN THIS REPORT? Our latest display ad spending forecast for the US, along with analysis of major growth drivers and potential disruptors that will influence display ad spending in the next year.
KEY STAT: After record-breaking growth in 2021, display ad spending will increase by 20.9% to $143.55 billion in 2022.
Here’s what’s in the full report
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Key Points
Display Ad Spending Outlook: Breaking It Down by Format, Device, and Transaction Method
Growth Drivers: Video Is a Force to Be Reckoned With
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