US Crypto Payments Forecast 2025

A Friendlier Regulatory Environment Will Boost Adoption

The Trump administration is injecting regulatory clarity into cryptocurrency, fueling payment provider confidence and investment. But hurdles remain to crypto owners actually using it as a payment method, especially low merchant acceptance and consumer distrust. The path to mainstream adoption isn’t set, but payment providers have levers to pull to accelerate growth.

Key Question: What is the outlook for crypto payments over the next two years?

Key Stat: Cryptocurrency payment adoption is set to surge 82.1% in two years, driven by crypto-friendly regulatory changes and payment provider expansion. But usage will remain niche, reaching just 2.6% of the population.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Cryptocurrency payment usage will jump from a low base in the next few years, as more owners convert to payers
  3. Regulatory action and payment provider investment will boost crypto payment adoption
  1. Crypto’s spending potential is hampered by low acceptance and mistrust
  2. What payment providers can do to spur crypto payment usage
  3. Sources
  1. Media Gallery

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David Morris, and Tiffani Montez


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