US Cross-Border Buyers Forecast 2023

Inflation Drives Consumers to Low-Cost Goods From Overseas

Report Snapshot

The number of cross-border buyers in the US will continue to grow steadily but at a slower pace than in previous years. Consumer demand for overseas goods has been uneven and driven largely by factors related to domestic product availability, such as supply chain challenges and inflation. Still, cross-border buying has staying power; a growing share of US consumers will make a cross-border purchase over the next few years.

Key Question: How many US consumers are making online purchases from overseas sellers?

KEY STAT: Nearly 72 million US consumers—and about a third of US digital buyers—will engage in cross-border retail ecommerce in 2024.

Here’s what’s in the full report


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Table of Contents

  1. Report Snapshot
  2. More US consumers are becoming cross-border buyers.
  3. China is the biggest source for cross-border purchases among US consumers.
  1. Millennials now represent the majority of US cross-border buyers.
  2. Low prices are the top reason for cross-border buying.
  3. Apparel is the top category among US cross-border buyers.
  1. Key takeaways for brands and retailers
  2. Sources
  3. Media Gallery

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Sky Canaves


Ethan Cramer-Flood
Senior Forecasting Writer
Suzy Davidkhanian
Principal Analyst, Retail & Ecommerce
Vivian Dong
Associate Forecasting Analyst
Amy Rotondo
Director, US Research

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