Social shoppers find inspiration for their purchases from many different types of content, but none more so than creator, influencer, or celebrity influencer content.
The path to purchase from social media isn’t always linear, but creators play a critical role in getting shoppers to convert. Our survey of US social shoppers unearthed key insights into how creators, influencers, and celebrity influencers are driving purchases from social media.
Key Question: How important are creators and influencers in social shoppers’ path to purchase?
Key Stat: Creator, influencer, and celebrity influencer content led roughly half (49.5%) of US social shoppers to make a purchase.
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Social shoppers are highly attuned to creator content
Creators are effective at driving sales from social media
Creators drive purchases in many different product categories
Gain access to reliable data presented in clear and intelligible displays for quick understanding and decision making on the most important topics related to your industry, included at no extra cost.
Excluding Facebook, Over Two-Thirds of Social Shoppers Follow Creators or Influencers (% of US Facebook* vs. non-Facebook** social shoppers, March 2024)
Excluding Facebook, Over 6 in 10 US Social Shoppers Have Made a Purchase Because of Creator Content (% of US Facebook vs. non-Facebook* social shoppers, March 2024)
Excluding Facebook, Over Two-Thirds of Social Shoppers Follow Creators or Influencers (% of US Facebook* vs. non-Facebook** social shoppers, March 2024)
Excluding Facebook, Over 6 in 10 US Social Shoppers Have Made a Purchase Because of Creator Content (% of US Facebook vs. non-Facebook* social shoppers, March 2024)